Sunday, April 17, 2016

U.S Speaks Of Taliban's Relation With Other Terrorist Groups

The United States' Commander General for Afghanistan, John Nicholson, in an interview with Reuters said the Taliban has relationships with other groups, that the U.S considers terrorists.
"You see a more overt cooperation between the Taliban and these designated terrorist organizations," Nicholson said.
He added that the death of the supreme leader of the Taliban, Mullah Omar, and leadership turmoil within the group brought the Taliban closer to other terrorist groups, particularly al-Qaeda.
The U.S considers Daesh, al-Qaeda, Terhrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and Haqqani network as terrorist groups. The country still does not consider Taliban as terrorists.
"Our concern is that if the Taliban were to return, that because of their close relationships with these groups, that they would offer sanctuary to these groups," Nicholson said.
The remarks come after recent peace efforts failed to yield in any results, and instead fighting is underway between security forces and Taliban in more than 10 provinces.

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