Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Ghani Orders Security Forces To Eliminate Terrorists

President Ashraf Ghani said at a meeting with provincial chiefs of the National Directorate of Security (NDS) on Monday that those who rebel against the system are the enemies of Afghanistan and that the security forces should eliminate them.
Speaking about the president's meeting with the NDS provincial chiefs, Ghani's deputy spokesman Dawa Khan Menapal, said: "President [Ashraf Ghani] had a meeting with NDS officials last night (Monday night), where he ordered them to create fear inside the enemy's hearts, close their traveling ways, dry up their financial sources, find their hideouts and eliminate them in ground and air operations."
Meanwhile, a number of political affairs commentators said they have little faith in such remarks by the president because he has made so many statements of this sort in the past but does not put them into practice.
"President Ghani said these words in Nangarhar as well, but nothing was done. Kandahar has a police chief who seriously suppresses the Taliban; therefore, security is good there in the province. The president should choose that police chief as his role model in the fight against the Taliban," said political commentator and rights activist Ghorzang Siyal.
Ghani also said in the meeting with the NDS chiefs that he would execute what he calls killers of civilians and non-civilians in Afghanistan.

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